3 memorable moments form the 87th Oscars

I personally really enjoyed the Oscars last night. For starters, I was finally on the same time-zone as the celebrations, so I didn’t have to wait till the AM hours to learn which movie won the big award. Then, there were the speeches. These guys have a whole lot of influence and even if TV viewers were less engaged than last year (12% less viewership). tens of millions watched  and millions took their reactions to social media.

Here are some of the highlights from the 87th Oscar awards that captivated most of us:

1. “Call your parents. Don’t text them” – JK Simmons, award winner for an actor in a supporting role (Whiplash). This was his message and the first speech of the evening. My takeaway from this is that no matter what industry you are in and  no matter how hard you work – don’t forget your loved ones, because they are the ones you go home to.

jk simmons

graham moore

2. “Stay weird”- Graham Moore, best adapted screenplay for “The Imitation Game”. I hope his message will resonate with everyone that feels like an outsider; Choose to be different than standard.



3. Women equality- Patricia Arquette, award winner of best supporting actresses for “Boyhood” Gender inequality is a hot topic from Hollywood to the suburbs of Detroit and Delhi. We must acknowledge that these issues take place in our backyard too, not only in third world countries and we can’t be ignored.

patricia arquette


This article was written by our co-founder Ana Cara, marketing consultant and social media professor. The red carpet images are courtesy of oscar.go.com